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Mouse IC Paw3805ek-Cjv2 and Lens Blue LED Track on Glass Mou

Mouse IC Paw3805ek-Cjv2 and Lens Blue LED Track on Glass Mou
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Mouse IC Paw3805ek-Cjv2 and Lens Blue LED Track on Glass Mou - фото 1 Mouse IC Paw3805ek-Cjv2 and Lens Blue LED Track on Glass Mou - фото 2
Обновлено: 6 мая 2022, 15:06 ID: 28880
4 $/set
Shenzhen Duoyi technology, LLC Шэньчжэнь, CN
на Флагма с 15 июня 2020
Weng Danny
sales manager


The PixArt PAW3805EK-CJV2 is an optical sensor which is
optimized for blue LED based wireless mouse application.
It has high accuracy navigation ability that enables
navigation virtually on any flat surface, including the
transparent glass. The low power architecture and
automatic power management make it suitable for
power-sensitive application such as a wireless mouse.
PAW3805EK-CJV2 is capable of high-speed motion
detection up to the velocity of 40 inches/sec and 10g on
non-glass surfaces, 20 inches/sec and acceleration of 5g
on glass surface. In addition, it has an on-chip oscillator
and a built-in programmable LED current driver. In order
to achieve the best tracking performance, it is
recommended to match the sensor with L029-SSI optical

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Shenzhen Duoyi technology, LLC Шэньчжэнь, CN
Работает на Флагма с 15 июня 2020
Weng Danny
sales manager
Популярные производители в категории: Компьютерные мыши
Weng Danny
sales manager
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Shenzhen Duoyi technology, LLC Weng Danny, sales manager
Mouse IC Paw3805ek-Cjv2 and Lens Blue LED Track on Glass Mou
4 $/Set (set) ID: 28880
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